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Fighting Head Lice During Social Distancing

Fighting Head Lice During Social Distancing

While the whole country is taking a time out from normal activities many people are opting to stay at home with their families. Our state and local leaders have asked us all to avoid unnecessary contact with others and stay at home to prevent the spreading of...

What Happens To Head Lice in Winter?

What Happens To Head Lice in Winter?

Many parents automatically think that because the weather turns colder, head lice die off. What happens to head lice during the winter? Is head lice still a problem I should be worried about? What You Need to Know About Head Lice and Winter   Head Lice Do Not...

Head Lice Happens in Unsuspected Places

Head Lice Happens in Unsuspected Places

Parents are often diligent about teaching children not to share brushes or combs to prevent head lice. Most kids even know that sharing hats, hoodies or helmets is not a good idea. Yet, have you ever stopped to think about all the other ways head lice could easily be...

10 Fast Facts about Lice Eggs

10 Fast Facts about Lice Eggs

Head lice are a nuisance. A problem that many families across the world deal with. In fact, it is such a common problem that most people will deal with head lice at least once in their lifetime. If you know what head lice are, how they live and how to identify them...

Head Lice Worse in 2019 Than Previous Years

Head Lice Worse in 2019 Than Previous Years

Head lice outbreaks are something every family hopes they won't have to deal with as they raise their families. Yet, it is a common childhood problem that seems to actually be getting worse. In the United States alone, up to 12 million children between the ages of...