Summer Time Can Mean Peak in Head Lice

Summer Time Can Mean Peak in Head Lice

Head lice are human parasites that feed on small amounts of blood from a human host.  Lice have six small legs with claws on the tip that make them experts at attaching to hair strands and making their way around a head of hair. Although it is always possible to catch...
Team Up With the Avengers!

Team Up With the Avengers!

The next big Hollywood movie has hit the theaters! Bringing with it new shattering records and plenty of action-packed moments. When you are dealing with a villain or problem in your life, how nice would it be to have the Hulk, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy or Iron...
Head Lice and Other Human Parasites

Head Lice and Other Human Parasites

Lice Clinics of Texas are the experts at educating, treating, diagnosing and preventing head lice! We get questions all the time about what other types of lice there are and who is at risk for catching them. Essentially there are three types of lice that affect a...