Do Your Head Lice Homework

Do Your Head Lice Homework

Is your child showing symptoms of head lice? Are you feeling overwhelmed about what this could mean? Feelings of confusion, worry, and plain panic might start to set in!   Here’s a quick lifeline for parents of head lice sufferers: Learn whatever you can about...
Relax, You’ve Got Head Lice Handled!

Relax, You’ve Got Head Lice Handled!

Every parent knows that feeling. The moment you feel like if one more thing is added to your plate you might just crumble. When your children are hit with head lice, staying calm can be a huge obstacle. We know that sometimes you might just want to curl up in a ball...
Can My Baby Have Head Lice?

Can My Baby Have Head Lice?

Yes! It may be hard to believe, but even babies are at risk for head lice. Anyone with hair on their head is susceptible to infection, especially if there are others in your home who are carriers. The Centers for Disease Control related to us that children between the...
Head Lice and Pregnancy

Head Lice and Pregnancy

When dealing with head lice one of the common concerns is that harsh chemicals could have negative health effects. This concern definitely escalates when you are pregnant and find out that you have head lice. Lice Clinics of Texas always urges clients to avoid...
Are Head Lice Contagious?

Are Head Lice Contagious?

Head lice are a human parasite that is indeed highly contagious. Here at Lice Clinics of Texas one of the most frustrating and common scenarios we see is parents that finally come to us because they simply cannot get rid of head lice. Their child may have brought it...