by admin | Jul 24, 2019 | Lice Treatments, parenting, Summer
Summer is finally here! Swimming pools, ice cream cones, and lemonade stands are in full swing! Kids are super excited to attend summer camps with their sports teams, bands, church groups or friends that share similar interests. Did You Know? Summer camps are...
by admin | Jun 27, 2019 | Summer
Kids love summer time! Kids love swimming! What could be more fun than summertime pool parties with their friends and family? Kids look forward to this time of year all long. In Texas, the intense heat can make hanging out at the pool all day really tempting. Mix that...
by admin | Jun 5, 2019 | Lice Treatments, parenting, Summer
Head lice are human parasites that feed on small amounts of blood from a human host. Lice have six small legs with claws on the tip that make them experts at attaching to hair strands and making their way around a head of hair. Although it is always possible to catch...
by admin | Jul 17, 2018 | parenting, Summer
It is easy to fall out of a routine and let things slide during the summer vacation from school. Every parent knows that lazy summer days are an enjoyable time for kids. However, it is important as parents to help kids keep their minds sharp and active so that they...
by admin | Jun 21, 2018 | Lice Treatments, Summer
There is nothing as thrilling for kids as jumping into a cool, fun pool with friends and splashing around for hours during the heat of the summer days! Due to the expense of owning and maintaining a private pool, for many kids, the only option is a public pool often...
by admin | Jun 14, 2018 | Lice Treatments, Summer
Summer camps all across the United States report that head lice are a common problem for them. According to the The American Camp Association, there are about 7,000-overnight camps and about 5,000-day camps in the U.S., for a total of more than 12,000 camps. These...