Dandruff vs. Head Lice

Dandruff vs. Head Lice

When white flakes or specks are found on a head of hair it can be difficult to decipher what you are dealing with. Head lice may be the initial fear that runs through your mind. Rightfully so, as head lice is a highly contagious parasite that is passed through head to...
Stop Losing Sleep Over Head Lice.

Stop Losing Sleep Over Head Lice.

Five Easy Ways to Get Back to a Better Bedtime. Parents who have experienced a lice outbreak in their homes know, lice definitely have an impact on your child’s sleep. Lice are considered nocturnal creatures. They live off of human blood. During the evening...
What are Some Frequent Ways Adults Get Head Lice?

What are Some Frequent Ways Adults Get Head Lice?

Direct head to head contact with a person who is infested with lice is the most common way people get head lice. Because children are much more at risk, sometimes it is hard to understand how an adult could contract head lice. Here are some common ways that adults...
The Fear of Lice

The Fear of Lice

Almost everyone deals with some type of irrational fear. There are phobias for almost any possible scenario. Know anyone who obsessively washes their hands? They may be suffering from Mysophobia, the fear of germs. What about the fear of public speaking, Glossophobia,...